Business, Most lucrative thing to be in! Be it any business, retail, manufacturing, trading, services or so, once started person himself and the world surrounded thinks finally she or he has arrived!
Initial years gives the needed growth. At times, it is exponential and the WoW feeling boosts the moral.
As time progress, you see the score card is moving forward but not at the same rate as earlier.
Reasons can be many. Be it innovation, systemizing the processes, delegation and letting go doing ‘All by own’ practice or others. Critical shifting is then seen as very important thing needed towards growth.
At times with existing skill sets, knowledge and may be with some external help, entrepreneur comes over this phase but again after some years ‘saturation’ word starts troubling!
This is the time when we can get in and help you fight this battle. Needs for our services are then as well when everything looks fine but not meeting your ambitions.